Andorra Telecom

Andorra Telecom again presents its charity SMS
Monday 14 de January de 2019

Andorra Telecom again presents its charity SMS

The operator is making a 3-digit number available to NGOs and social associations to finance specific charitable projects
From today, these entities and social organisations have the opportunity to request an SMS number to fund their charitable projects. Andorra Telecom has announced a second call for its charity SMS, the first edition of which featured beneficiaries such as AMIDA, AUTEA, Cooperand amb Llatinoamérica, Infants del Món and Laika.

Through this initiative, Andorra Telecom puts a 3-digit number, between 601 and 609, at the disposal of the organisations. The proceeds from all the SMS messages that are sent to this number will be donated in full to the beneficiary association, without any costs being deducted.

The deadline for the submission of projects is 31 January. To apply, please fill in the form which can be downloaded here.

All non-profit charitable organisations may apply for the charitable SMS, provided they are duly registered with the Government and receive no substantial public funding,  The work of these entities must be aimed at groups at risk of social exclusion, the protection of the fundamental rights of people and animals, and activities aimed at creating a better, fairer and more socially cohesive society.

The application must include information regarding the applicant and the entity they represent, the basic features of the project that requires funding and the schedule of activities they plan to carry out.

The company’s Corporate Social Responsibility committee (CSR) will study, assess and award the numbers to the selected applications received based on the following criteria: relevance, impact, viability, effects and efficiency of the project presented.

The five entities which took part in the first edition shared a sum of €2,821. Inés Martí, Andorra Telecom’s CSR Manager, wished to emphasise that the charitable SMS is linked to specific projects. “It is particularly motivating for the donor to know precisely what the money from their message is used for.”

Martí also explained that this is a very practical fundraising system for NGOs, since Andorra Telecom is responsible for billing the contributor and transferring the money raised to the bank.

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