Andorra Telecom

Companies are interested in automation
Tuesday 18 de June de 2019

Companies are interested in automation

Fifty professionals took part in the conference organised by Andorra Telecom, Red Hat, and UiPath
The possibilities that automation offers companies was the driving force behind the conference held this past Tuesday. Organised by Andorra Telecom and the companies Red Hat and UiPath, several speakers analysed and shared various different use cases. More specifically, several engineers from Andorra Telecom’s Department of Automation and Supervisory Tools, including Antonio Jiménez, Nathalie Jarno, and Albert Alegria, explained the internal advances in this area and the gains in efficiency they involve.

The managing director of Andorra Telecom, Jordi Nadal, welcomed attendees to the conference, which featured some fifty registered professionals. Nadal stressed that automation is a process that makes it possible to focus on efficiency as one of the mainstays of digital transformation for companies, and that the conference would allow companies to acquire the tools they need in order to “discover what they can really do”.

The list of speakers also included Zigor Quintana, Sales Manager at UiPath, and Beatriz Martínez and Anna Rocha de Oliveria from Red Hat.
Josep Maria Barris, Head of Operations and Infrastructures at Andorra Telecom, explained the following during the course of the day: “Automation means that certain applications or programs do the work for us, and perform tasks in a way that minimises human intervention, thereby increasing streamlining and reducing the probability of errors.”

The benefits for Andorra Telecom have been evident, allowing "people who do less productive, and more repetitive or boring tasks to now be reassigned to more valuable work”. In this regard, he pointed out that this does not represent a risk to companies’ job positions, since they can perform many more functions with the same staff. “We should bear in mind that a year ago, we had 850 servers, and we now manage 1,250," he pointed out.

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