Andorra Telecom

Information on maritime communication
Thursday 11 de July de 2019

Information on maritime communication

The Government, Andorra Telecom and the Yacht Club together provide a radio licence system for vessels registered in Andorra
This Thursday, Business and Economics Minister Jordi Gallardo, the General Director of Andorra Telecom Jordi Nadal, and the treasurer of the Andorra Yacht Club, David Rabella, presented the maritime communications regulations for Andorran vessels. Currently there are some 400 vessels registered in the country, and it is estimated that around 60 of these sail on the open sea, and so need a communication system for use if they are in distress.

The three parties have signed an agreement permitting the use of maritime communication codes for recreational and sporting vessels registered in the Principality.
Although there is no obligation to use this system, it is strongly recommended. Until now, the only ways that Andorran vessels could access it and use its channels was by changing their country of registration to France or Spain, or alternatively to ask these countries for an exception to be made so that they are covered by the system, but still maintain their Andorran registration.

The new regulation, already published in the BOPA (the official journal of the Principality of Andorra), allows licences to be issued authorizing radio transmitters on Andorran vessels and the use of Andorran radio beacons at sea (an international communication system for emergencies called Cospas-Sarsat which is regulated by the International Telecommunications Union).

Andorra Telecom registers user data, and the Andorra Yacht Club offers formal, approved training for international organisations on how these emergency systems work. It will cost 100 euros.

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C/ Prat de la Creu nº 2
AD500 Andorra la Vella
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Truca’ns al 115,
o al (+376) 301 115 si ets a l’estranger.
De 8h a 23h (de dilluns a diumenge).
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875 000
De 8h a 18h (de dilluns a dijous).
De 8h a 15h (divendres).
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nacional i internacional

Preu de la trucada 2 € d'establiment i 0,26 € per minut.
De 8h a 24h (de dilluns a diumenge).