Andorra Telecom

Andorra Telecom invites you to a unique experience at the Fira d’Andorra
Thursday 24 de October de 2019

Andorra Telecom invites you to a unique experience at the Fira d’Andorra

Visitors will be immersed in a space with spectacular visual effects that mark time with rhythms created by the country’s musicians and innovators
Andorra Telecom is converting its stand at Fira d’Andorra, which starts tomorrow, into an impressive interactive venue. The installation will allow visitors to immerse themselves in a choreography of visual effects set to music; a unique experience to be remembered and to treasure with the video recording that they’ll be sent afterwards.

The installation consists of two interactive stages. The participants distributed in the two areas are the stars of a show created using visual effects, with symmetry, repetitions, delays, rotations, echoes and multiplications, all linked to the rhythms and progressions of the music.

“The goal is to create a collaborative multi-user game that helps to show how technology can be an element that helps people to interact and to communicate with each other”, said Meritxell Areny, Andorra Telecom’s head of communication. The video will contain inspirational messages related to the company’s activity in terms of interaction, movement and communication.

The experience will also be an opportunity to “showcase the fascinating electronic music that is being produced in the country”, added Areny, who thanked the creators for taking part in the project.

The pieces were created by Davisax, DjSeth, Hand Solo and Likantropika.


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