Andorra Telecom

92% of Andorra Telecom's television users already have the new decoder
Tuesday 29 de October de 2019

92% of Andorra Telecom's television users already have the new decoder

New functionalities and an improved remote control are key to the rapid take-up of the device
Most of Andorra Telecom´s television service users are already enjoying the new decoder provided by the company free of charge. The new device, which replaced the older model last May, can already be found in 92% of homes, and provides significant improvements: the interactive menus are easier to use, and the TV remote control now incorporates Bluetooth technology.

Carles Casadevall, Andorra Telecom´s spokesperson, explains that users of the new model have noted significant improvements: "Our regular user surveys tell us that the improvements are outstanding in comparison with the previous model. Even so, there are still a few things that could be improved, and we’re continuing to work on these". With regard to the pace of replacement, Casadevall expressed his satisfaction: "At this point in time there are only some 900 decoders still to be exchanged. For the most part these belong to second homeowners we’ve been unable to contact. For this reason we’ve stepped up the final campaign - users just need to call 115, and we’ll deliver the new decoder to their home address".

The objective of this campaign is to get as many new decoders installed as possible, in order to guarantee users stability of service and maximum functionality, aiming for an optimal customer experience.

Contacta amb nosaltres

C/ Prat de la Creu nº 2
AD500 Andorra la Vella
De 9h a 19h (de dilluns a divendres)
De 9h a 14h (dissabtes)
Servei d’atenció al client
Truca’ns al 115,
o al (+376) 301 115 si ets a l’estranger.
De 8h a 23h (de dilluns a diumenge).
En cas de pèrdua o robatori d’un terminal mòbil, l’horari és de 24 hores tots els dies de la setmana.
Despatx seu social
875 000
De 8h a 18h (de dilluns a dijous).
De 8h a 15h (divendres).
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nacional i internacional

Preu de la trucada 2 € d'establiment i 0,26 € per minut.
De 8h a 24h (de dilluns a diumenge).