Andorra Telecom

Huawei and Andorra Telecom provide 100,000 protective face masks for COVID-19
Wednesday 01 de April de 2020

Huawei and Andorra Telecom provide 100,000 protective face masks for COVID-19

The first consignment has been transferred to government facilities for distribution among the key workers fighting against the disease

This Wednesday, Andorra Telecom delivered a shipment of 70,000 protective face masks for COVID-19 from China to the government. They were sent by the Chinese company Huawei, who offered them to the Andorran company to help in the fight against the disease.

In addition to this first batch of 70,000 surgical masks, the arrival of 30,000 more FFP2 masks, which offer the highest levels of protection and are used exclusively by healthcare personnel, is expected in the next few days.

This essential equipment will be channelled through the government's COEX collection point so that the health authorities can distribute it among the groups fighting the pandemic.

Huawei is one of the leading providers of telecommunications infrastructure. Andorra Telecom relied on its technology to implement the change in the active fibre optic network in 2017 which has enabled a next-generation network that’s well prepared to cope with the current high levels of consumption.

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