Andorra Telecom

Fibre optic TV users will receive contracted content once again when the lockdown period is over.
Thursday 28 de May de 2020

Fibre optic TV users will receive contracted content once again when the lockdown period is over.

We’re offering a 50% discount on the Cinema package during the summer months

From 2 June, users of Andorra Telecom’s fibre optic television service will once again receive the content included in the packages contracted before lockdown began, as soon as most companies have resumed their activities.

Due to the exceptional circumstances, on 14 March we decided to activate the Movistar+ Total Plus package for all users of the TV service at no additional cost, in order to expand the leisure options available during the lockdown period. Similarly, users who’d already contracted this package have benefited from a €15 monthly discount.

Given the warm reception given to movie channels in recent months, we’ll be launching a summer promotion with a 50% discount on the price of the Cinema package over the months of June, July and August.

As a result, users will be able to continue watching the best movie channels, with access to content from the Movistar+ app for only €5 per month. "Joker", "Le Mans 66" and "Gemini" are just some of the films available to watch during this time. Customers who’d like to take advantage of this promotion can contract the Cinema package on the website, or by calling 115.

As for sports broadcasts, La Liga and Liga Endesa are expected to return to competition soon, while motor sports are expected to resume over the coming weeks. For this reason, Movistar+ Total Plus users will no longer receive the €15 monthly discount that was applied during the shutdown.

Finally, the France 4 channel will stay in place on the company's television platform, to provide continuity to the educational programme "Nation Apprenante" associated with COVID-19.

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C/ Prat de la Creu nº 2
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De 8h a 24h (de dilluns a diumenge).