Andorra Telecom

Andorra Telecom adds new channels to all the fibre optic television packages
Wednesday 19 de May de 2021

Andorra Telecom adds new channels to all the fibre optic television packages

France Info, Gulli and BeMad, among others, are also available today in Televisió Mini, the most affordable package
Andorra Telecom has added six new channels to all its fibre optic television packages, including Televisió Mini. The channels that are incorporated as of today are France Info, Gulli, BeMad, DKiss, TreceTV and TEN.

These new channels, which have a wide variety of genres, including children’s programmes, news and entertainment, complement the range of channels currently available to Televisió Mini customers, including GolTV, ParamountCH, Discovery Max and Divinity, in addition to the other DTT channels in high definition (HD).

Carles Casadevall, Spokesman for Andorra Telecom, highlighted the way in which it was decided which channels should form part of this expansion: “We wanted the channels we added to be relevant, which is why we conducted a survey of our customers. As a result of this survey, we selected the channels that most customers asked us for, in such a way that we can increase their satisfaction with the television service.” These channels are now available for all the packages and users are encouraged to restart their decoder if they’re not already activated.

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