Andorra Telecom

DTT will be seen in high definition early next year.
Wednesday 26 de May de 2021

DTT will be seen in high definition early next year.

Users will need to have an HD-compatible TV or purchase a decoder to continue watching DTT.

Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) will be in high definition in the first quarter of next year. In keeping with the trend in this technology, all channels that are broadcast in high definition will only be able to be viewed with this image quality in the Principality, as broadcasts in standard definition (SD) will be eliminated.

The change will be automatic and fully transparent for users who have a TV compatible with HD technology. Any devices that are very old and don’t have this compatibility must be complemented by a decoder that can be purchased in electronic stores. It is estimated that 95% of the TVs currently used in the country are compatible with this technology and won’t require any change.

Finally, in the case of purchasing a decoder and that of people wishing to purchase a new TV, it is recommended that they be compatible with DVB-T2 technology so that they can cope with potential updates in the coming years.

Andorra Telecom’s Director Jordi Nadal pointed out that “this project comes at an optimal time between the renewal of the country’s television fleet and the deadline set by Spain for 2023, in such a way that the impact on televisions that aren’t compatible will be minimal.”

Jordi Torres, the Minister of Telecommunications, stressed that “through these updates we can ensure that Andorra follows its strategy as a pioneering country in telecommunications infrastructure, taking the appropriate actions to guarantee an optimal service for all citizens.”

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