Andorra Telecom

Andorra Telecom is to collaborate with the Penitentiary Facility
Monday 26 de June de 2017

Andorra Telecom is to collaborate with the Penitentiary Facility

Inmates will do paid work as part of the agreement signed today by the Minister of Social Affairs, Interior and Justice, Xavier Espot, and the Director of the telecommunications company, Jordi Nadal

Today, Monday the 26th, the Andorran Minister of Social Affairs, Interior and Justice, Xavier Espot, and the General Director of Andorra Telecom, Jordi Nadal, signed a collaboration agreement between the Andorran Penitentiary Facility and the telecommunications company, with the goal of helping inmates to reintegrate into society and the workforce.

The agreement includes two specific projects put forth in annexes to the document.  The first and most significant will allow inmates to do paid work assigned by the telecommunications company.

This agreement formalises the collaboration that began this year between the two parties, allowing a dozen or so inmates to complete sorting and packaging tasks involving Andorra Telecom devices.

The Minister emphasised that the work carried out at the penitentiary facility is essential to the re-education and future reincorporation of inmates into the workplace and society, and that it provides them with useful skills for the future. He also referred to the fact that the inmates are quite receptive to this type of initiatives. As a result of the interest and the benefits arising from this type of action, it is hoped that other Andorran companies will join in.

In addition, the Director of Andorra Telecom emphasised that this agreement is fully satisfactory for the company, which will benefit from quality paid work done by inmates while participating in an activity that will help them to be reincorporated into society in the future.

As a result of the other project included in the agreement, Andorra Telecom will provide forty-five €5 phone cards to the Ministry to be used in the Penitentiary facility’s telephone booths. Phone cards will be distributed according to social criteria and need by a social worker collaborating with the Penitentiary facility. The Agreement underlines the fact that this donation helps to fulfil Articles 36 and 38 of the Law establishing the right of prisoners to communicate.

This is a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative that shows Andorra Telecom’s commitment to society. The signing of the agreement by Xavier Espot and Jordi Nadal was held at Andorra Telecom’s offices on Carrer Part de la Creu.

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