Andorra Telecom

Andorra Telecom pledges to reduce paper consumption
Wednesday 04 de October de 2017

Andorra Telecom pledges to reduce paper consumption

Customers unsubscribing from receiving paper invoices before January to take part in an iPad raffle

By default, Andorra Telecom will cease to send its invoices in paper format from January onwards, with the aim of reducing the company's environmental impact.

Customers will be able to view and download their invoices free of charge in the Client Area on the website, as well as via the company’s mobile application, available on iOS and Android phones.

The company has launched a campaign to give a boost to the changeover. Users who unsubscribe from receiving paper invoices will take part in a raffle for an iPad each month until December.

Finally, customers who wish to continue receiving their invoices in this format from January onwards may request to do so, for a €1 monthly fee. The profits generated by the above fees will be assigned to environmental initiatives.

Andorra Telecom uses 576,000 sheets of paper each year to print its invoices, roughly equivalent to 51 trees.

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