Andorra Telecom

We Raised 2,404 Euros for Caritas and 2,300 Euros for the NGO Platform
Monday 18 de March de 2019

We Raised 2,404 Euros for Caritas and 2,300 Euros for the NGO Platform

These figures correspond to telephone calls to the Three Kings and Father Christmas on number 121, and calls to 141 for the benefit of the Hurricane Irma victims.
These Christmas holiday calls to the 121 helpline raised a total of 2,404 euros, which will go to Caritas Andorrana. Charity calls to this helpline are a result of the collaboration between this charity and Andorra Telecom, which we promote and provide for free.

However, the short number 141, which we provided for the NGO Platform in Andorra, raised the sum of € 2,300 in 2018.

Today, our Corporate Social Responsibility Manager, Inés Martí, handed out cheques to the Vice President of Càritas, Canòlich Baró, and David Fraissinet, who was representing the NGO Platform in Andorra.

The 121 service, which allows children to talk to the Three Kings, Santa and El Tió, was launched 15 years ago, and from the first moment, Caritas Andorrana received 100% of the amount received. All together, a total of 1,202 calls were received over the holidays, and the amount for each call is €2.

Càritas Andorrana has announced that it will allocate the money raised to the Atenció Primària project - a reception, guidance and accompaniment service that is intended to meet people’s basic needs such as food, housing, health, clothing, loneliness or uprooting.

The NGO Platform has highlighted the reconstruction work that is being carried out in the area devastated by Hurricane Irma - a storm that left 60 dead as it passed across the Atlantic.

Andorra's NGO Platform collaborates with internationally displaced organisations, and in conjunction with the UN Refugee Agency, offering shelter, aid, assistance and protection for refugees. This organisation has held various campaigns in recent years to raise funds that help relieve the serious needs of these people.

Andorra Telecom, Càritas Andorrana and the Andorra NGO Platform have thanked all the people who participated in the campaigns.

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