Andorra Telecom

4 cases of bullying and 4 eating disorders were detected by the B-Resol app
Thursday 23 de May de 2019

4 cases of bullying and 4 eating disorders were detected by the B-Resol app

This app, which is being used by five secondary schools, is a very useful tool for revealing cases of bullying and boosting prevention
The B-Resol app, which is part of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education’s Plan for Preventing School Bullying, is starting to produce results. The tool was developed with the support of Andorra Telecom and has made it possible to detect four cases of bullying during the school year.

Five schools in all are using the app. They are the Andorra Secondary School of Encamp, the Spanish school Maria Moliner, the Col·legi Sant Ermengol, Col·legi Anna Maria Janer and the Col·legi Sagrada Família.

The advantage of the app is that it offers the schools and teachers information that they could not obtain without the collaboration of the students themselves. “The problem of bullying at school is that this physical and/or psychological persecution of one student by another takes place out of sight of the adults, in an environment that is acutely hermetic, where only a few close friends can have access”, said Marie Pagès, director of the Education Inspection and Quality Department of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education.

“The B-resol app offers students the chance of reporting conflicts or abuse anonymously, at any time, making it an aperture through which school directors can identify problems, so they can intervene and correct situations that are often very challenging”, added Pagès.

The fact that it is anonymous and so easy to use makes the app a very useful tool for reporting or raising awareness of situations occurring in or around the school. The information entered by students made it possible to detect four cases of eating disorders and fifteen conflicts between students, situations that disrupt progress in the classroom through anti-social behavior and a lack of respect and discipline. “It also allows us the opportunity to detect other types of individual problems, arising from emotional well-being or substance abuse” said Pagès. “These situations are similar to bullying because they involve behavior that is hidden from adults and only known to a limited number of students. B-resol offers adults a window into this closed world and a margin of space for supporting young people and attempting to resolve the situation”.

The anonymous information given in the reports via the app have also enabled teachers to engage in related work with their students. Altogether, 89 of these have been dealt with specifically in tutorial sessions.

The technicians from the Ministry explain that the app provides the school directors with information about the many real problems that arise among the students and which can be addressed through tutorials “before they can be repeated over time and be directed towards the more vulnerable students.”

The CEO of Andorra Telecom, Jordi Nadal, pointed out that although technology is sometimes seen as threatening, it can provide many benefits. “The B-Resol app is a great example of how access to an anonymous online channel can be used to detect cases of bullying, even when they are in their earliest stages”. Nadal said that the results obtained so far were very positive, and expressed pride in Andorra Telecom’s participation in the project.

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