Andorra Telecom

As of today, France 4, the channel with educational content, can be viewed via fibre-optic television by tuning to 144
Monday 23 de March de 2020

As of today, France 4, the channel with educational content, can be viewed via fibre-optic television by tuning to 144

This new educational material will make it easier for students in the French system to follow their courses via the television

As of today, Andorra Telecom has activated the France 4 channel via fibre-optic television on channel number 144. As a result of lockdown, this channel is devoting its programming to educational topics. The channel has been activated with the aim of helping students in the French educational system to continue their studies. Much of the newly created space, "Nation Apprenante", will be used to broadcast live courses provided by teachers in the French public education system.

-9 am to 10 am: CP and CE1: 30 minutes of reading and 30 minutes of maths (primary education)

11 am to 12 noon: CM1 and CM2: La Maison Lumni (secondary education)

2 pm - 3 pm: Collège: 30 minutes of French and 30 minutes of maths (secondary education)

3 pm - 4 pm: Lycée (Première and Terminale): 1 hour, depending on the day, of French, maths or history/geography or English or philosophy. (Spanish Baccalaureate)

Educational content will be broadcast for the rest of the air time, including over the weekend.

The channel will be included in the fibre optic package for the duration of the COVID-19 public health alert lockdown period.

If there are problems in viewing it, the set-top box will need to be restarted by unplugging and then plugging it in again.

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