Andorra Telecom

The B-resol application makes it possible to detect cyberbullying or other problems affecting teenagers
Thursday 09 de April de 2020

The B-resol application makes it possible to detect cyberbullying or other problems affecting teenagers

The app, promoted by the government and Andorra Telecom, is being extended to cover pupils at schools throughout the country

The B-RESOL app for students over 12 years old, will be available to students from the three educational systems and at all schools throughout the country, so that children and young people can report any situation or problem affecting them in the current lockdown situation.

The app has been developed by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education. To date, it has been used to detect bullying in schools, but it will now provide support to young schoolchildren who need help during the lockdown due to the health emergency. In the current situation, it will provide support and reinforce the fight against cyberbullying, and will also be able to help with possible problems linked to lockdown, both psychological issues and those connected with the new dynamics of social relations.

 A team comprised of 3 technicians specialised in social education, a schools inspector and several volunteer psychologists will answer user queries and refer them, where appropriate, to other departments or professionals. This team is currently receiving the technical training necessary to respond through the application.

B-resol enables young people, whether victims or observers, to anonymously, immediately and safely raise the alarm and ask for help, from any place and at any time, for any type of problem and with the interlocutor they have chosen. The application can be downloaded after accepting a legal notice explaining the use of the tool and where the minor must confirm that they are 14 years of age or older, or that they have parental authorisation. Once the B-resol application has been downloaded, the user must enter the code: "quesdatcasa” (“stayhome") to be able to alert and connect with the interlocutors.

With this code, boys and girls can choose between different interlocutor profiles: inspectors or technicians specialised in the field of social education from the Ministry of Education and Higher Education or volunteer psychologists from the Andorra Professional Association of Psychologists. Students who already have the B-resol application at their schools can also alert the individuals they would normally contact. In this case, students have to enter the application with the code of their school.

In case of any queries, or if you should need any additional information, you can refer your questions to the Ministry of Education and Higher Education by calling (+376) 743 300, or by sending an email to: infoeducació This service, which has the support of the Andorra Professional Association of Psychologists, will be available from tomorrow. The different schools will inform families about the implementation of the service.

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